Bags under the eyes due to volume loss can be treated well with a hyaluronic acid-based filler. The filler is injected into the areas under the eyes where volume loss has occurred, with an almost immediate effect. The total treatment takes about 30 minutes. The puffiness treatment, also known as tear trough treatment, is one of the most frequently performed treatments within the i Care Clinic.
There may also be excess skin at the level of the lower eyelids, which can be surgically removed. This usually involves excess fatty deposits or a combination of both. This gives a feeling of heaviness and makes you look tired. After eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty, your eyes feel less tired, you look less worn-out and you regain a fresh, open look. The scars are hidden in a crease that is already naturally present so they will fade over time and even become invisible.
Book a consultation at I Care Clinic now and together we will look at the best treatment for under-eye puffiness for your case.