Botulinum toxin (BTX)

Botox injection in forehead

Botulinum toxin (BTX) is widely used in cosmetic treatments is a pharmaceutical which blocks the transfer of sensation from the nerves to the muscles. This reduces the over activity of these muscles, which in turn causes them to relax. When Botulinum toxin is injected into the skin, it acts on the sweat glands to reduce sweat production.




Injecting Botulinum toxin pharmaceutically blocks the transfer of sensation from the nerves to the muscles. This reduces the over activity of these muscles and relaxes them.


Botulinum toxin treatments do not give a permanent result. The effect of a Botulinum toxin treatment lasts for about 4 to 6 months. Again, this varies from person to person.


When a Botulinum toxin treatment is repeated it often lasts longer, because your facial muscles have learned to relax.


The area that is treated with Botulinum toxin will relax, which results in a disappearance of wrinkles.

Price for Botox in EUR VAT included
1 Zone 150
2 Zone 300
3 Zone 350